Ian Tracey
Organist & Conductor
The following websites may be of interest. Each opens in a new window.

Ian's entry on wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Liverpool Cathedral – Discover what makes the Cathedral one of the world's great buildings.

David Wells – Organ Builder who's responsible for many organs in the Liverpool area and beyond.

Liverpool Philharmonic Hall – Where Ian has been Chorus Master for more than 30 years.

Makin Organs – Builders of digital organs, where Ian is Tonal Consultant.

stephendisley.org – The website of Stephen Disley, one of Ian's former organ students.

Concert Video Presentations – A venture by Concert Organist (and former Liverpool Cathedral Organ Scholar) Keith Hearnshaw whereby a camera sited in the organ loft broadcasts pictures of the organist onto a screen in full view of the audience, so the performer can be seen as well as heard!

The Nicholas Danby Trust provides scholarships and bursaries which enable young organists to further their studies.

The Royal College of Organists

The Incorporated Association of Organists – of which Ian is a past President

Organists' Review – The Journal of the Incorporated Association of Organists.

The Royal School of Church Music

Music at GMC – Website detailing musical activities at Gillingham Methodist Church, where Ian is a regular recitalist.

The National Pipe Organ Register – Website with details of some 28,000 organs in the U.K., together with around 6,000 pictures.

die-orgelseite.de – Perhaps the most fascinating organ site on the web.

Liverpool John Moores University

BoardwalkOrgans.org – A website dedicated to the world's largest pipe organ.